Sesame Street J Friends Song - 1971
I actually did not remember this song. But man, if it ain't catchy!
J Friends - Muppet Wiki - Wikia:
"J Friends" is a Sesame Street song sung by the Anything Muppets, who list their friends whose names begin with the letter J. The names include Joe, Jane, Jim and Joan.
Note: Following his verse, the Fat Blue singer's right eye comes loose, forcing him to leave the frame for a bit to have it re-attached.
Plus, were you aware of the group of Muppets called "The Anything Muppets"?
The Anything Muppets were introduced in the first episode of Sesame Street, in a sketch involving Gordon. An Anything Muppet appeared without any facial features, and Gordon introduced her as an Anything Person and proceeded to give her and four other Anything Muppets who appeared in sequence eyes, noses, and hair to form a family.